This outline is very rough but will give you an idea of what to expect this year from our haunt.
Lower Level:
Deadford Dungeon of Doom: Scary Walk through.
First floor:

This is a great Kids area has lots of activities, Games, like Owl toss, Pumpkin stack and ring toss will entertain kids of all ages. The spiders den will also have a Crafts area where kids can choose from a number of projects. (Kids must be accompanied by an adult at all times.)

Offering refreshments for purchase.
Concert of the Great-full Dead, Bedford's School of Wizards and Witchcraft Ghostly Choir. During the Short concert you will be entertained by ghostly apparition's visiting from our sister school in England.
Second Floor:You enter the party by first passing through Zoltan’s the Great, fortuneteller lounge. Interact with the humorous talking crystal ball. He can see your future and it’s not so scary…
Next you are whisked into the evaluation chamber where you will be sorted into one of the four houses of the Bedford School of Wizards and Witchcraft.